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’No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it’.

Albert Einstein.

What is self-responsibility? Self-responsibility is choosing to take responsibility for yourself in your own life. I.e. not blaming others.

Being self-responsible is a primary focus these days. Meaning our ability to manage ourselves in order to become better at managing our energy, which can destruct quick as lightning, but which can also rebuild and reconstruct just as quickly.

I do not know a single person who is not in the process of becoming more aware, and as they are becoming more self-responsible, they are suddenly also able to perceive things at a different level and are becoming more skilled at seeing through what goes on around them.

I meet people who surrender to the more aware view of life, regardless of the pros and cons, and grow with their experiences, and I meet people who hold onto their usual way of thinking and acting, which according to the quote from Einstein creates the very same problems, coupled with the story that it is other people's fault.

These days, no-one can rest on their laurels – regardless of how much they have worked on themselves.

In these tumultuous times, it is often also the latter persons that want to start fights on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, if they manage to get other people involved in the fight, this fuels their stories of it being other people's fault, and in this way, they can – for a while – avoid being confronted with their own (lack of) self-responsibility.

And, dear reader: Taking part in the fight inhibits all growth, yours as well as that of others. You see, your self-imposed policing generates the same kind of destructive energy. This means that you end up being a co-creator and just as responsible. So withdraw. Take a break. Go for a walk. A short meditation session works wonders. Maybe splash some cold water on your face. Contact a friend as your lifeline. All this helps pull you out of one type of energy and get back to your own.

Personally, I also find it challenging, and every day, I have a choice. I have very skilled mentors who encourage me to fight, and therefore, I deliberately surround myself with even more skilled mentors who teach me how to not accept those invitations.

When I fail and join the fight, it teaches me that my daily practice, where I take responsibility for my energy and what it co-creates, is vital for peace.

These days, no-one can rest on their laurels – regardless of how much they have worked on themselves. Because, being consciously aware of your habits is similar to doing fitness. You are strong when you are aware of working out, and you lose your strength when you do not work out and become unaware.

A daily practice consisting of good habits can strengthen your awareness, for example by considering the following:

  • How do I start my day?

  • Do I eat breakfast, and do I have time to eat lunch? What do I eat?

  • How often do I exercise? Do I take the stairs instead of the elevator?

  • Do I enjoy the fresh air and nature?

  • Do I breathe all the way into my belly, and do I set aside time for this?

  • How often do I allow myself to take a break? Do I manage to close my eyes once in a while during the day and get in touch with myself?

  • When does my energy usually drop during the day, and how can I bring it back up?

I see my daily practice and growth as a counterpart to a golf handicap. I am able to improve all the time, but not by comparing myself to the growth/handicap of others.

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr.:

’If you can´t fly then run. If you can´t run then walk. If you can´t walk then crawl. But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward’.

Therefore, regardless of the pace. Regardless of whether you are flying, running or crawling, it is good enough. As long as you are moving forward. However, if we go into opposition – or into the opposition of others – we pause our growth.

The consequence of this can be that we end being unconscious co-creators of a destructive energy, because we do not deliberately take responsibility for our own energy.

This means that I have to take responsibility for my development/my handicap and my actions, and you have to take responsibility for yours. However, this is something that I can do, and something that you can do. I cannot do it for you, and you cannot do it for me.

In the times to come, many invitations for peace as well as strife will come hurdling into your energy feed. The more aware you become, the more invitations for fights you may encounter from less aware people that you unintentionally mirror and provoke.

Hold on, and take responsibility as a co-creator! The more of us that act from a place of self-responsibility, the more will be inspired to do the same in time.


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