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Management of others in a new era is about being able to manage yourself by living consciously instead of randomly. I once walked out of a plane that I had just boarded, quit my job, and switched to fight-free cultures.

If you manage yourself based on a random and unconscious way of life, you will also manage others with the same unconscious randomness.

The leader living consciously, on the other hand, is able to attract and develop other modern leaders and future leaders, and will in the future be a desirable candidate when the network is recruiting leaders that are able to scale the right followership.

In this new era, mastering differentiated leadership, i.e. leadership of unique employees, is exactly what characterises the modern leader. A leader who approaches management of himself or herself and others as if it is delicate, tailored craftsmanship.

Because, the leader of the new era is differentiated extraordinarily by the desire to educate and train himself/herself as well as others. Here, the passion for people and the understanding of their soul projects is the driving force when making decisions as well as when taking action.

Here, the leader is a role model due to inner balance, and this inner compass guides the direction of the choice of actions, predictability, and thus, the leadership robustness perceived by others.

This robustness is rooted in personal maturity and non-hierarchical care for other people, versatility and broadness in the way of thinking, ability to listen, interpersonal skills as well as an ability to work nimbly with ambiguity. It is also rooted in an inquisitive eagerness to learn, continuous reflection, self-knowledge and well-developed intuition.

Furthermore, the mental and physical robustness is managed through a tailored practice in everyday life. This includes focus on restitution, peace of mind, a healthy diet, vitamins, exercise as well as consciously opting in and out of networks.

After having been a part of global companies for many years that have either doubled or tripled their number of employees, I have seen the value of the leader who characterises the leader profile of the new era as well as the consequence of the leader that people no longer want to lead them.

This value or consequence has had a direct influence on people’s mental and physical health, the company cultures, and the specific types of people being attracted – and, in continuation of this, the competitive performance and financial results of the companies.

As self-employed, I am now seeing the world from the other side of desk, and here, I am finding that there is an increased desire to become a good leader for everyone, someone who understands the consequences of unconscious leadership and is motivated by the value of the conscious.

Many leaders want a healthier life, but many of them struggle in vain due to the existing structures, which have been established in another time, with closed networks and boards who either lack insight or choose not to act on the insights.

In this way, the share of so-called birth canals for leaders of the new era is reduced, while the birth canals for leaders who people do not want to lead them keep increasing.

Therefore, the desire to lead a life that is lived rather than survived is one of the greatest things I have seen in a long time.

The reason for this is that this desire tells me that it is only a matter of time before the leader who is able to manage himself/herself as well as others multiplies.

Thus, it is also only a matter of time until hierarchical structures that maintain the unfree cultures and closed networks adapt to a new era and set people free in their everyday lives.

Our conscious choices will lead the way.

If you are a leader that is driven by the leader profile of the new era, but who is struggling in vain to lead with human beings as the main focus, you should know that there are several other companies that would be able to offer you a working life based on dignified and energetic cooperation.

I myself once walked out of a plane that I had just boarded, quit my job, and switched to fight-free cultures nourished by conscious acts. In fight-free cultures, people are able to speak freely, feel that they are being heard and feel secure. Fight-filled cultures, on the other hand, are characterised by people listening in order to talk (instead of to understand). This often leads to misunderstandings, fights and scaling silos.

My decision led to renewed joy and health in my life, and I would highly recommend it.


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