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I meet many leaders that have started taking off their masks and restarting their hearts. Therefore, this is a tribute to all of you experiencing a rapid development. Those of you with managerial responsibility as well as those without.

Dear leader,

Congratulations on your journey. Maybe it has just started. Maybe you are motivated to get started. Maybe you are already well on your way. Regardless of where you are, congratulations.

Because, you are in the most life-affirming place. A place of movement. A place of growth. A place where your power grows every day. Even if it sometimes feels as if you have less of it.

Perhaps, you have been praised and promoted for your self-assured facade, your ‘cool’ perspective, endless resources and robustness, and perhaps, you are now finding that the life strategies that used to work are no longer effective.

Perhaps, you are finding that the self-control you used to master feels like one big loss of control.

Do not despair. You are in a good place. A place of change. A place where you will end up with a new type of power that will serve your journey on in life.

Sometimes, you will get the feeling of being in a free fall. You can feel yourself, your vulnerability, your limits and sorrows as well as more depth. You are seeing things through a different lens, and you are startled by what you see.

This might make you want to increase and fortify the hiding place behind your self-assured facade.

Because maybe, you are even feeling your surroundings more than ever. You perceive atmospheres, energies, and maybe, comfortable illusions are replaced by honest realities.

Take your time. Breathe. Get some rest. Take care of your body, enjoy nature, and eat healthy foods. Lean on the loving people in your network, and be selective regarding who provides you with the best support.

Because, when your facade slowly reduces in strength, you will add a new kind of strength, which is your vulnerability. You need to get used to that, as it increases the power of intuition.

The power of intuition may seem overwhelming, if you used to think you could see the blind angles. And with this process comes a need for lots of acceptance and forgiveness.

We are all leaders of a new era. Those with managerial responsibility as well as those without. Because, the thing is that a new era is about connectedness and reciprocity, and we cannot connect to others without connecting to ourselves.

In time, you will find peace in being in touch with your feelings, being guided well by intuition, and you will find that the less you feel, the less in control you will feel. Completely opposite of what used to be the case.

This process cannot be forced. It consists of training new habits, life strategies and an education in getting to know yourself all over again or finding your way back.

Many leaders I meet may feel challenged when leading people that may not see the same things as clearly as they have started seeing it, and they ask for advice on how to promote consciousness in others who have not reached the same level.

My recommendation is to reach out with attention, be caring, show that you are supportive, and be loving regardless of the frustration coming the other way.

We have heard about professional distance and the so-called sensible distance between a leader and an employee, and several leaders are expressing a concern about getting too close to people and perhaps transgressing the therapeutic boundary.

Many people I meet are not getting enough care and are in need of some humanity. Therefore, dear leader, do not hold back. Let your empathy and common sense guide you, and embrace people around you with your warmth.

For the only thing that can transform the unconscious and the unconscious acts is love.

Love, gratitude and care put chemical fear and anger in a checkmate in the brain.

It is an incredibly beautiful thing that we are chemically constructed in a way that ensures that what we are nourished and united by – i.e. love – inhibits the fear and indifference that divides us and maintains our unconscious.

Unconscious people are characterised as unhappy and lost on the inside, behind their acquired facade, even if they often show something else on the outside.

Thus, we should not be misled, even though ‘perception is reality’ often overtakes our perception of others. Instead, we should train our power of intuition, as it is not as easily led astray.

I have personally experienced a rapid development in recent years. Sometimes, I have found it hard to accept this, and have wanted to return to the protection of my heart and to not feeling as much as I do now.

I have been part of so tough and capital-driven environments that the only way to work in them was to feel as little as possible and protect myself.

Today, I can see that the self-protection that I was craving for and which my everyday life depended on rather lead to a tough shell and weakening on the inside.

So, dear you, who might feel that you are in the middle of a crazy loss of control: Now is the time where you are gaining back the control.

Therefore, I am giving you a warm welcome to an era where the masks will drop and hearts will open.


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