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People who used to be considered maladjusted, because they dared to speak up when others remained silent, should continue to lead the way. You see, they are celebrated by the new era, which requires real courage from those who did not dare and maybe still don't.

Did you used to be someone who dared address what others were timid about, either because they consciously decided to stay silent or the opposite, and did you surrender to the muzzle? Then take it off. It does not serve you. It does not serve a new era, where we should shed light on each other.

The muzzle turns you into a low energy light bulb, and therefore, you become difficult to spot in a crowd. A lot of creatures of habit, of which the majority have adapted to a specific era and the code of behaviour that was reinforced over and over again. Through specific hirings, specific promotions and specific dismissals.

In this way, people unlearn things quickly, and learn what is worthwhile and what pays off. In this way, people acquire a knowledge of how best to fit in.

It is said to take about three months to unlearn a habit. With respect for the fact that habits are even harder to unlearn if you are in surroundings that nourish them, many of us would within a relatively short period of time be able to unlearn the codes of conduct that we have been trained to master through social control. Adjusted, timid.

We are not really supposed to ration ourselves. Because, when we ration ourselves, we also ration the people around us. This gives rise to an organisational low energy light bulb that does not save energy, but rather rations it without making more.

Similar to how you can be in a ’cash burn’, which is an effect derived from a negative ’cash flow’, you can be in an ’energy burn’ caused by a negative ’energy flow’, if you are not generating energy.

If you generate a negative ’energy flow’, you will therefore eventually develop a ’cash burn’.

The challenge is that you would not necessarily create the negative ’cash flow’ from one day to another. There may be lacking continuity in earnings, but this can be attributed to many things. There may be fluctuating energy flow, but this can be attributed to many things.

If we ration ourselves, we will not be able to see clearly, and therefore, we will often realise reactively where there is less energy to act. This may result in consolidation of the maladjusted habits.

The only person who can change bad habits is ourself. Our competences do not show who we are. Our choices do.

This is also what characterises a talent of the new era. A strong inner compass. Because, all the other things around the inner compass do not come into play in a relationally good way if we make choices for our own gain.

Those who stay silent and manipulate like the weavers from The Emperor's New Clothes. Those who deflect, are phony and thus reduce the power that comes from strong cooperation. Their choice of action does not bring the skills of the community into play. Because, they choose to sideline other people.

Previously, these tactical skills have opened the doors to promotions, new fancy jobs, official acknowledgements and star-studded narratives that others have been puzzled by in silence – out of a fear of reprisals.

There are no winners of the unsaid. There never has been, even though it might look like that on the surface. The unsaid only breeds mutual weakening.

Now that the hierarchies are watered down and we move closer together, the same demands should apply equally to everyone. To talents with managerial responsibility as well as talents with no managerial responsibility. They all carry a responsibility for ensuring a positive ’energy flow’.

They all carry a responsibility for saying the unsaid. This is a responsibility we all need to manage.

We are moving out of a paradigm that used to reap the benefits of the collectively unconscious. We have now entered an era where we can reap the benefits of the collective conscious.

It is up to each of us to become more conscious and help increase consciousness by showing the way to a new code of behaviour. This will not happen by hiring and promoting competences over choices. This will happen by hiring and promoting choices of actions over competences.

But, in order for this to succeed, it requires an effort from everyone at all levels. Thus, which actions do we hire? Which actions do we promote? Which actions do we dismiss?


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