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You will meet exactly what you surround yourself with. Therefore, if you wish to attract something new, you have to change your vibration.

I grew up with the saying that you should not cut the bough you are sitting on. My grandparents mentioned this frequently, and so did my father in particular, who grew up in poor conditions.

However, I have defied this instruction several times.

One of the times, I rendered my position as part of the top management superfluous in connection with outsourcing, and I chose to accept a severance package of nine months and thus had nine months to find a new job.

I chose this instead of accepting a position elsewhere in the group, as I knew that I wanted to move on after seven loyal years, and I did not want to accept a position to protect my monthly pay in the short term, knowing that I did not really want the job and knowing that my new manager would be deceived.

My father challenged my point of view vehemently. You see, I was alone with my daughter at that time, and he asked me to be a responsible mother as a sole provider, and therefore, he wanted me to make the safe choice. Staying.

What would my fate be if I was without a job while looking for a new one? How would I be perceived in comparison to other candidates, who were in employment? They were described as the attractive ones, being in employment, and would be wooed and headhunted.

A headhunter even claimed that I was losing some of my market value each day without a job.

Fortunately, I landed a nice position nine months later that was a step up compared to my previous position, and now, it is very clear to me that my choice to cut the bough I was sitting on was the right path in order to land safely on another.

Another example is more recent. Because, when I founded my business, I found that the client portfolio I wanted to build would turn out differently depending on whether I was offered jobs from clients with a low vibrational energy or clients with a high vibrational energy.

Heavy, manipulated energy has a low vibration, while light, loving and charitable energy has a high vibration.

When I was contacted by clients with a low vibrational energy, i.e. companies that:

  • prioritised volume scaling over people and quality

  • scaled fitting-in culture rather than cultures where people are able to belong as they are

  • practised hierarchical management styles with matching antiquated incentive schemes, trapping people instead of liberating them to provide better results

I could only think of more of these types of companies, where the indoor environment was heavy.

It was as if the energy surrounded one or the other segment of either heavy and low or light and high vibrations.

I made a major and very difficult decision. My decision was that I would only help companies with a high vibrational energy, and regardless of the profitability, I would opt out of the heavy and low vibrational energies.

Companies may very well vibrate lower at times if they are experiencing challenges. However, if their vision and approach to people are their primary focus, their basic vibration is high and will remain high regardless of the challenges they face.

Therefore, I declined a large client with a low vibrational energy who had completely lost control of their company scaling.

I sensed that I would be vulnerable when handling the task and would run the risk of a significant reduction in my own high vibrational energy, resulting in a reduced ability to attract other clients with a high vibrational energy as a result of this.

You see, in time, my vibration would become lower and lower, resonating with the low vibration emitted from the company not ready for development on which I would be focusing most of my energy.

Once again, I cut the bough I was sitting on, as per the old saying. I had no earnings, and the earnings from this company would be significant, but in reality, I was energetically cutting a rotting bough that would in the long term minimise the growth and scaling of my own company.

And sure enough, within eight weeks, I was contacted by two new, major clients, and they are still my clients. They both have a light and high vibrational energy, regardless of their challenges, which they handle with the same light and high energy.

They are focused on people in everything they do, and they invest in the growth of people and culture in order to grow their business. In that order.

Thus, today, I am happy that I have shown myself the respect of continuously cutting boughs in order for new ones to grow.

If you do not start cutting some of the heavy and low-vibrating boughs you may be sitting on as well, you run the risk of most likely continuing to attract more of the same, maybe simply in a new setup. Also referred to as ‘old wine in new bottles’.

Frequencies have different vibrations and attract different things. Therefore, if you wish to attract something new, you have to change your vibration. You will meet exactly what you surround yourself with.


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