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I had actually planned to wait a bit with my next article. However, as is often the case when I am planning to wait, the next article has almost planned itself already. So much for planning.

I hope this article will inspire you, and as usual, I am offering 3 no-fee sessions to those who need guidance.

Because, as a Danish CEO once told me: ‘What used to work may not work any more’.

On many levels, it is therefore necessary to revisit what used to work. We have to make sure that it is still working, and preferably before we continue doing what we normally do out of force of habit.

It may not be working any more, even though it used to.

‘Slow is the new fast’, as there is a need to slow down to be able to sense what takes place in and around us, and in order to work with the information available to us in the present moment.

If we skip the present moment, because we are going too fast, we will lose vital information that is necessary in order to assess whether what used to work is still working.

Most people I meet are experiencing a world in chaos. On the inside as well as the outside. This can cause us to hurry even more.

When we hurry even more, we can move even further away from ourselves and get even more lost on the journey that is about becoming more connected to ourselves and each other. And then, in the middle of the chaos, we forget what is most important.

We forget our gratitude. We forget to say THANK YOU, and we repeat the pattern that is well-known, which may not be working any more.

We have become more stressed, and often, when you live in chaos, you become focused mainly on yourself.

You can make a big difference by thanking just one person already now.

This could be a THANK YOU for making coffee, THANK YOU for having a positive attitude in the morning, THANK YOU for listening, THANK YOU for being you, or THANK YOU for being in this world.

There is a lot to say thank you for, but because we are in too much of a hurry, we miss those things, and when we lose our connection to what we are grateful for, we lose touch with ourselves and each other.

Therefore, I hope you will say THANK YOU to at least one person in your life.


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