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The essence of my work is Executive Guidance of individuals and teams


My work is based solely on raising awareness of the strengths of the individual, the leader, and the team for everybody—through increased awareness of each other respectively—to become better at leading themselves and strengthening each other.


What we prefer is typically also what we are strongest at, as this is where our natural focus travels.

The starting point

My starting point is that we humans complete each other. Feelers complete thinkers and vice versa. People with a lot of focus on details complete the opposite and vice versa. 


When we understand that we complete each other, the struggles that separate us diminish and we achieve Belongingness and avoid fitting-in.


The global showdown, called 'The Big Shift', is overturning the old paradigm where the 'one size fits all' view of humanity has ensured managerial control and undermining, because people no longer want to fit in. Therefore, they resign and go where they feel they can speak up and be heard; in short, where they belong as they are.

The younger generations are going to put extreme pressure on this development in the future; they are already in full swing, and we are going to see a time when there are even more revelations, replacements, and massive changes, because people are waking up to what they are made of and how they want to live their lives.


Their values centre around a rich life as a strength-based life and not one where weaknesses are consolidated by being held down, giving your vote to those in power who abuse it, and using your energy to be something other than what you are, because you live in pure survival.


My experiences


With +15 years of global leadership experience, +4000 people assessments and a master’s degree (MSc) in Psychology specialized in Talent, I have influenced the scalability of several high growth companies.

In 2022, I founded my own company which helps companies and investors accelerate growth through the promotion of cultures that are at the forefront of conscious leadership and scaling Belongingness.

In 2021, I was qualified as a Board Member and Spokesperson by The Confederation of Danish Industry’s ‘Boards of The Future’.

In 2021, I was nominated for an award in 'Excellence in People & Talent’ in London.

In 2017 and 2018, I was named one of Denmark's 100 most influential women in business development.

In 2017, The Business Minister invited me to join his Advisory Board for the Business Ministry.

Since 2016, I have been a leadership expert for Berlingske Business, FINANS and Dagbladet Børsen together with leading global top executives.

In 2015, I was recognized a Top100 Talent in leadership.


Connect with me on LinkedIn to stay updated on stepping stones enabling a conversion from fitting-in to a place where the future is WE.



Board Member and Spokesperson via Boards of The Future 

In 2021, I was qualified as a Board Member and Spokesperson by The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI).


Excellence in People & Talent

In 2021, I was nominated for an award in 'Excellence in People & Talent' in London. 



In 2017 and 2018, I was awarded a Top100 Woman in Business Development.


Advisory Board Member for the Business Ministry

In 2017, The Danish Business Minister invited me to join his Growth Advisory Board. Several suggestions promoting Danish growth were agreed as part of the 2018 Financial Package.



In 2015, I was awarded a Top100 Talent in Leadership.


What my clients say

Anne-Marie is one of the most committed and passionate people I have worked with. She has a unique ability to see and assess people both professionally and personally and hits right every time – I am very impressed. This, combined with a broad HR toolbox and the ability to make things happen, enables Anne-Marie to create a high performance team – not only in the immediate executive group, but also broadly in the company she is employed in. I can give Anne-Marie my warmest recommendation at any time.

Natasha Brandt

CEO at Saxo

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